I will try to take elements from these films and put it into my film so it appeals to my target audience even more. I will also avoid anything cheesy like high school musical: this means that the characters in my film will not be singing or dancing or interacting with the audience in any way.
My focus group said that they felt the moodboard was a good representation of them and that it made them feel excited and rebellious. They said they liked the idea of the film from what they saw on the storyboard. They suggested that that if I wanted to make the main character seem more desperate and sad that instead of just a close up of her looking blank at the end she should have a tear rolling down her cheek. They said that the idea of the film being set in an rural environment was a really good idea and that the main character rebelling because there is nothing to do is something they can relate to. They also suggested that if I want the audience to sympathise with the main character more I should have more shots or longer of her face. They also suggested that I should have a fast paced editing to connote more excitement and rebellion.
Proficient level of research into target audience, some evidence of planning but this needs developing. Some reasonable research into similar products though analysis of film openings is very slim and you seem to be missing your genre research summary. This will definitely affect your overall grade.